Chorley Catenians Circle 23

Strengthening family life through friendship and faith

Friday, Oct 1, 2021

October: The Month of the Rosary

The Catenian Rosary Group have for many years distributed rosary leaflets to schools and prisons in the UK and to needy parishes in Africa. We hoped that by sharing rosary leaflets with schools and parishes throughout our area we could build upon this initiative. The Rosary is a simple way for people to reconnect to their faith, and it helps to create a space for reflection in an increasingly busy world.

Since October is the Marian month—and 2020 was the Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary—we thought this an opportune time, and as such supplied over 300 yellow leaflets for first communicants within schools, and a further 300 blue leaflets to be left at the back of the churches for adults.