Chorley Catenians Circle 23
Strengthening family life through friendship and faith
Sunday, Aug 8, 2021
On 8th August, 2021—almost 17 months after last meeting ‘face to face’—the Brothers and wives of Chorley Circle celebrated the relaxation of the Covid-19 rules with President’s Sunday by holding a social gathering and lunch at Shaw Hill Golf Resort & Spa Hotel. The lunch also celebrated the Diamond Wedding Anniversary (60 years) of Brother George Culshaw and his wife Rosie, and the birthday of Brother Bernard Kiley.
Circle President Jack Knight also used this as the first opportunity for him to thank, on behalf of the Circle, 2019/20 President Bill Critchley and his wife, Pauline, for their hard work during Bill’s year. Appropriate presentations were made to them. A presentation, as well as numerous cards, was given to George and Rosie, and cards and a cake to Bernard.
The event was unanimously agreed to have been a great success.
President Jack presents a bouquet to Pauline Critchley.
A bottle of Eagan’s Irish Whiskey is given to past President Bill Critchley.
Happy Diamond Anniversary to George and Rosie Culshaw.
President Jack and his wife Marian.
Brother Bernard Kiley—a youthful 79.