Chorley Catenians Circle 23
Strengthening family life through friendship and faith
Joining Catenians will give you the opportunity of meeting other Catholic men with similar values resulting in you becoming part of a community offering lifelong support and friendship. Through mixing with “like-minded” Catholics you will be part of a group that helps each other and their families in all aspects of life whilst also providing your family with opportunities for friendship and social activity.
A member is expected to remain a practising Roman Catholic and to regularly attend the Monthly Circle Meeting. Members are encouraged to visit other Circles thereby enlarging their friendships within the Brotherhood.
You should actively participate in the Social Programme of the Circle and the Association plus attend President’s Mass, Requiems and other religious occasions arranged within the Association only when practicable.
As part of the Associations objective of caring for a Brother, his Wife, Widow or family in difficulty or need, whether morally, spiritually or financially members may be requested to make visits to sick Brothers/Widows and to pray for those who have died.
Payment of Subscriptions (currently £145 per annum at Chorley) and other dues—including those for social functions—should be made promptly, and realistic contributions made to the Association’s Charities.
When the opportunity arises members should accept Office, when practicable, and take an active part in the Association’s affairs.
Since increasing the brotherhood is every member’s responsibility, you should be finding—and where appropriate sponsoring—suitable Candidates for Membership.
Brothers should not actively promote or market their personal businesses (except for advertising in Catena).
The joining procedure typically takes between 3 to 5 months:
For any further enquiries, see contacts.